Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Danielle Miller

“Not all is well in a teenage girl world”, “Danielle Miller approaches adolescent girl realities, challenges and opportunities as if she was going back to what she felt as a young girl, Her own personal pain”. Building from her past Danielle Miller empowers women to make them feel better about themselves. She speaks for the women who don’t believe in themselves.

When Danielle was a small girl, boiling hot oil was poured on her, like thousands and thousands of of bees stinging her one by one, leaving a permanent scar on her right arm which she tried to cover up with her old socks. The scar that had been left on her arm looked horrible and gruesome, she was teased all throughout school about her spiderweb-like arm, everywhere she turned there was a group of kids laughing at her or staring at her like she was in a zoo, she would come home crying and believing what the other kids were saying about her.

Once she finished school, Danielle Miller couldn’t take what those stupid kids were saying about her and she knew in herself that there are some children like her that needed to be saved, and Danielle knew she would be the one to save them, She took a stand and devoted her career to support and give women the courage that they needed, she spoke for all the women who didn’t believe in their beauty.

When she came to Singapore after traveling far and wide to see millions of girls, she came to visit UWCSEA East which was one of many schools she went to talk to too. The girls adored her and called her “Gorgeous”, they acted like she was there second mother. After all the fun and games that she played with the girls everything toned down and became serious, She told the girls to close their eyes and answer honestly 2 questions that she answered when she was a child and expected a completely different answer to the girls. First was “Who thinks they are beautiful ?” . . . No Hands were raised, Then she asked “ Who compares themselves to other girls?” and hands shot up like 1000 fireworks.

She told them “ Girls you don’t have to be pretty to be a good person or for people to like you.... They care about what’s inside of you not based on looks... So just be you”

This is a lesson that these girls will never forget

By Bailee

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