Thursday, October 9, 2014

Are People really generous to dogs?

An Abandoned dog was found in a drain at Haig market. The dog was for someone to help her and bring him home to safety.

A UWC mum found the dog and she wanted to help the dog so she attempted to pick it up but the dog was vulgar so it jumped off her.she put a question to an old man that worked at the market as a “box collector” to get to he grabbed it and placed it in a box for the ride to the vet.

The vet declared that the dog has a few scars but a lot fleas and he was very skinny but she was well brought up so either the mum took care of him for a while then deserted him.

The scars can heal but in order for it to survive it needs owner. she is temporarily keeping the dog healthy.The mum is still has second thoughts for keeping the puppy so she is asking all her friends and colleagues that she trusts to keep the dog. The dog would have to go through a bunch of tests because the vets need to make sure if he has any types of diseases in order for it to be okay for people to bring it home.

Now she has found a family that could take a big dog since these types of dogs have to be exercised and has to have a big space to run around. she has one dog to handle already so she had to let the dog go because of the space.
A lot of people had a lot of different opinions about adopting an abandoned dog

Source says that they feel proud about saving a dogs life and that people would care about saving dogs lives.

By Cala


  1. Hi, That is really nice. Many of my family members have adopted dogs, they say that this dogs are really sweet and nice because they are grateful. I think that adopting a dog is way better than buying one because 1) you get the dog for free 2)You are giving him a second chance.

    Frida Gomez,
    ASFG 8th grade, Mexico

  2. Dear Cala,
    I think that some people are generous to dogs, but other people just buy/adopt dogs for presents. Like Christmas, they buy a dog, six months later they do not know what to do with it. So they abandon the dog, they let them on the streets. Others are really kind and they save their lives, they cure them, give them food, a place to sleep and play. She was really generous to save this dog, otherwise the dog would be dead.

    Andres Rodriguez
    ASFG 8th Grade

  3. I think that adopting a dog is better than buying a dog because if you buy the dog later on the dog might start causing you trouble and you are gonna think that you wasted your money. And if you adpot a dog you don't pay and if the dog starts causing you trouble then you can send the dog to a place where they can take care of the dog and the dog is going to be happy where they can take care of the dog.

    Rodrigo Gomez,8th gr ASFG,Mexico

  4. I really liked your point of view of an abandoned dog. I don't have dogs but I would love to adopt an abandoned dog because I think I could feel proud of my self. I also love dogs, I think they are so cute. The person that adopted the dog did a great job on taking him to the vet because since it is a street dog it may have some disease. I think that most of the people are generous to dogs, they take care of them. I hope you write more about dogs.
    Best wishes!
    Renata Tostado, 8th gr
    ASFG, México

  5. That is very nice! I think that that is the right thing to do when you see a street dog. First of all dogs shouldn't end up in the street they should be loved and feed just like a human being. It is sad to know that because animals can't talk and defend themselfs people treat them like they were ANIMALS. They are indeed animals but animals have feelings just like us humans, and they should have the same rights as we do. We are actually doing a service learning project to help street dogs and cats! Hope your school and all around the world could do the same thing as we do.

    Best wishes!
    Monica Carrillo, 8th gr

  6. I really like the tory that you wrote. I have 2 abandoned dogs. When you see them ypou can see that they have lived a lot of harsh things. I LOVE dogs so I always try to help them I never take them to my house. The person that is going to adopt that pet is really nice becuase a dog needs love. There are people that are nice with dogs put they are people that are really bad with dogs.
    Best wishes,
    Fernanda Martínez, 8th grade
    ASFG, México
