Friday, October 31, 2014

Effects of Sleep Deprivation on Kids delved into

The most common problem in the world is in fact sleep deprivation and according to research and statistics “the consequences of a poor night’s sleep include higher stress increased mistakes and difficulty concentrating.” The question is what does this mean for us and why do people go to bed so late? Or rather why they most have no choice.

50% of Americans say that they would be extremely frustrated if they lost an hour of sleep and not by choice. Also 79% of Americans say they would be better prepared for the day if they had that extra hour of sleep. What is revealed here is that 79% of americans don’t always get enough sleep time. Most of these victims are actually school kids in the higher grade levels. Most of the time the homework that is given to them is not a ridiculously huge amount but it’s about how well the person manages their workload and balances their time.
What usually ends up happening is the work they gain slowly over time builds up as they can’t finish enough homework at the rate that it is given. It all ends up being too much and they get in trouble at school. It gets even worse for them as tests start to come around. The massive stress and pressure that comes with trying to balance both workloads is not something easily handled by the mind without consequence. Cari Gillen-O’Neel studied 535 kids in high school. They found out that from 9th to 12th grade the hours of sleep reduced from 7.6 down to 6.9.

After examining what happened to a teenager when he stayed up late to finish work they said that “Regardless of how much a student generally studies each day, if that student sacrifices sleep time to study more he or she will have more trouble understanding material taught in class and more likely to struggle on an assignment or test the following day.” Unfortunately not every parent or teacher is as understanding and often scolds them for looking sleepy or not working or managing time effectively. That won’t really make a difference as they’ll probably end up going to bed late anyway.

In truth it’s not really their fault that they’re going to bed late sometimes it feels hard to go to bed directly after doing homework so they attempt to relax by reading or watching as much TV as possible in a short space of time. Those that go directly to bed don’t end up being able to sleep until past midnight and wake up feeling groggy next morning. All that most of you and others really have to do is be a bit more understanding and less harsh as not to cause so much stress for them. Eventually I hope we can all feel happy.

By Gregory


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Before I read this article, I never knew that actually most people lose sleep not by choice but by the stuff they need to get done. I always thought that most people go on social media at night instead of sleeping. I liked how you mentioned that parents and teachers often scolds teenagers for looking sleepy or not managing time wisely because that is true to a lot of teenagers.

  3. I didn't know most of the people that dont have enough sleep are kids in the high school. So I think the high schoolers should have less home work. And I also didn't know that if you dont sleep enough you have a lot more stress. So I agree with the people that say that we should have one hour more of sleep.

    Sincerely, Beto Jauregui, 8th grade
    American School Foundation of Guadalajara, Mexico

  4. Hi Gregory, I know sleeping is the main thing that keeps a person moving and going thru the day. If I don't sleep my 8 hours every night won't be active the next day. I am one of those 79% Americans that don't get enough sleep everyday. I wish I had an extra hour of sleep so I'm active and alert. I finish my homework almost at 10 pm but that's because I get home from my normal activities at 7pm or 8pm depending on which day of the week. I need to walk my dog, then take a shower have dinner and start my homework. By the time I'm done with all that almost all m family is asleep. Some nights I watch T.V. and that makes it even worse. I also liked how you indicated that parents and teachers often scolds teenagers for looking sleepy or not managing time wisely because that is true to a lot of teenagers. Why do sometimes people have trouble sleeping? Is it because they think to much when they're going to bed or because somethings going on? Also people been telling me that you only dream 5 min before waking up. Is that true?

    Thank you,
    The American school of Guadalajara.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Hi Gregory,
    I consider your article as a really well thought peace of writing. Before reading your article I never thought that kids were the ones who slept the least. I agree with you, the great amount of work given to us at school does affect the time we end up sleeping but in my opinion it is not only the excessive work teachers give us but the lack of work as well. At my school we are used to having a lot of homework. Of course, there are days when we don't have as much homework but during those days I feel really anxious and I feel that I'm missing something. Because of that I end up sleeping even later because I'm afraid of not getting something done. Your article made me think of a lot of things and I want to congratulate you because my teachers always tell me that a good writer has the ability of making readers have further thoughts about what they just read.
    Thank you,
    Regina Escobedo, 8th gr.
    ASFG, Mexico

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Hi Gregory,
    I agree a lot with you. Not only the homework causes the student to stay up late, but it also causes depression and makes the student feel exhausted after too much homework. I think that some teachers are only trying to do their job and that is why sometimes they are very mean to students so they can get all their homework time. Although student's decisions also affect them staying up late. If he/she are on practices that student should try and stay a little time with their homework before going to do any activities. In other words let's say that I practice basketball, but sometimes I use some time in my homework rather than going to practice, because I've talked with my coach and he agrees and says that school's first. That decision that I made has made me get good grades because I don't leave all my homework at the last thing to do in my day. That is why students should know how to manage time in some cases. There's other cases where all teachers of their classes leave homework and make students stay up late doing that load of homework, as you said in your paragraphs. Your article really gave that idea of not being a student that gets a lot of homework at the end, because even though I do not have homework I stay up late, but because is my choice, but thanks to your article I can see and try to sleep more for further progression of my ability in some classes and having good grades.
    Thanks Gregory, Alonso López, 8th Grade.
    ASFG, Mexico

  9. Hi Gregory,
    You don't know how much I can relate to this. Every night I finish doing my homework and usually stay up late reading. The reason for this in my case, is that I just can't go to sleep right away. My parents always tell me to go to sleep already, but they don't get that I'm not able too, I read because I can't sleep right away. After about 30 minutes to an hour of reading, I'm finally tired and ready to sleep. I've been trying going to bed a little earlier, but I just can't seem to do so. Anyways, this doesn't mean I have to stop trying. I already had some background knowledge on what the effects of sleep deprivation would be, but every time I read about it, it's still pretty surprising. I wonder how much my life would change if I got more sleep. Thanks for writing this, I feel I know a little bit more about sleep now.

    Andres Gonzalez, 8th Grade
    ASFG, Mexico

  10. Hello Gregory,
    I do agree in that a lack of sleep can affect one during the day. That being said, it is also oversleeping which can affect us in a very similar way. Sleep is a tricky thing. Once, I slept for only 4 hours and felt as if I had slept all night. However, another time, I slept for over ten hours and I felt tired next morning.

    I have also noticed that how much one sleeps the days before affects how tired one will be. If one sleeps for more in the weekend, it is more probable that one will need less sleep to feel the same amount of energy that week. However, if one sleeps less that weekend, a greater amount of sleep will be needed to get the same amount that week. At least, that is what I have collected.

    Great article,
    Francisco Ayala, 8th Grade
    ASFG, Mexico

  11. Hello Gregory,
    I think that your article is very interesting. I never thought that kids in High school are the ones that sleep the least. That is very interesting! I also didn't know that sleeping is the main thing that keeps a person moving. I think that I am a part of those 79% that don't get enough sleep everyday. I wish that I was like some people that get enough sleep and are and also time to finish my homework and have enough time to sleep. A lot of people tell me that they just dream 5 minutes before waking up is that true of you dream all night. Also a lot of people tell me that every night you dream but you sometimes you don't remember, is that true?

    Best wishes
    Paulina Sahagun, 8th grade
    ASFG, Mexico
