Thursday, October 9, 2014

The Problem With Technology

What do you use to call, text, search for information, use for school and not to mention use during your free time and before you sleep?

The bright colours on the screen has got everybody’s eyes glued to it for hours. Every time you sit down and look around, you’ll see everybody staring at their devices motionless. Nothing that is interactive going on between people. That is the problem in the 21st century, all people care about is checking notifications and messages, nobody is bothered to meet the person and say hi.

Technology is a big problem especially to teens. Teens would rather use their phones and laptops instead of going outside or doing sports or activities. Sometimes even adults cannot resist the screens and you can’t shut it off unless someone drags you away from it, or nobody is online, (A thing that rarely happens). Larry Rosen, a professor of psychology at California State University states that “teens who use Facebook tend to have more narcissistic tendencies, while young adults who are active on the site display other psychological disorders.” Another psychologist reveals that what’s not great about texting is that “it takes away all forms of face to face interaction – it takes away fully formed sentences – even spelling mistakes are accepted. And so, people tend do not engage in meaningful communication – they’re engaging in efficient and quick communication.”

What some readers may not realise that even teens think they spend too much on technology. All of the teens surveyed all said yes they spend too much time on technology. A source quoted that “Students use it for school which is already a long time and then for homework, social network, and games. New technology comes out almost every single day and a lot of teens get too caught up with the trend.” It becomes even more clear that teens realises how much they use it but still can’t resist it.
One by one, teens’ obsession with technology grows until they’re on their phone or laptop in a day longer than they go to school. Teens need to be more aware of the time they spend on technology, socialising with friends and family offline is more important. Put your technology down and enjoy life.

By Angelina

1 comment:

  1. It's a good topic and I understand where your ideas are coming from but to be honest nobody is going to put their phone down in a million years. Or maybe at least for around a 1000. It''s different for people that were born without technology as they can give it and rather would. But asking somebody born in the modern age to "put your technology down and enjoy life" is giving them a death sentence. I would know because I wrote about the exact opposite of your post and how we should be more free and embrace technology instead of shoving it aside. Not happening for a long long time.
