Thursday, October 9, 2014

Juice Box Swindlers

Recent reports in the year of 2014 say that someone has been knicking juice boxes from the UWC fridges. It is the group of robbers called ‘the little kids’. Each box costs only $0.90, but if a lot of kids snatch the juice, it all adds up to a lot of money lost. The children think of it as not much of a big deal, so they do it.

The bandits actions are described as sneaky, quick and cautious, described by an unidentified boy witness from Mr.Raisdana’s english class. The sodex workers have had an eye pinned to the fridges, according to bystanders and pedestrians.

The crooks will be heartbroken when they hear that their theivishness will come to a halt, and they are brought to justice. According to Alexander Windheim, grade 8 student, the staff have moved all of the juice boxes to one fridge to make it easier to monitor exactly who it is that is looting all of these fridges.

The question is; who is shoplifting all of these cartons! and how many of them are being lifted. The school also recently have installed new security cameras around the school and they are considering equipping more inside the cafeteria, to have data confirmation to catch the small pirates.

The devious scoundrels will soon be seized, and interrogated. Officials remind you to not become one of their association, you will be captured.

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