Thursday, October 9, 2014

First Day Of School

On the First day of school at UWCSEA East. The buses had come with sad and eager kids waiting to see what their new grade would feel like. Most people walked up the stairs like zombies because they were all tired from summer. The other jolted up the stairs to see their friends and to see what class they are in and if they were with any of their friends. This was the most exciting start to the day although some of the people already knew which classes they were in. and who they were with because of the Parent Portal. Bus Number 23 had arrived carrying Aguistin spaan, Jason Zhang and Nelsin Martin Burnet. Jason was a new kid that Aguistin had met in the class his first words on the bus was “sup guys im jason I know this is very awkward but just putting it out there.” He sat next to me he had a brother named Kevin Aguistin and Nelsin were laughing because of the speech Jason had just made. They had asked Jason a couple of question and they became friends in an instant one of the questions Aguistin had asked where “Are you Asian” Jason replied “HAHAHAH do my eyes give it away.”

They arrived at school and slowly walked up the stairs. Aguistin was explaining what the school was like since this would be his 4th year at UWCSEA. Aguistin said “This school is one of the best you will ever go to first of all is is !HUGE! and has a good reputation for teaching the best students.” after saying this Jason looked very scared after Aguistin had told him what the school was like. There was another random new student tagging along since he had heard Aguistin talk about the school and how he this would be his fourth year at UWCSEA. He asked where he had to go I told him to go to the 5th floor to the grade 8 pod and of he could not find it he could always ask a teacher since there was a lot of teachers helping the new students.

Aguistin and Jason Continued talking to each other and they went up all the stairs. Jason kept asking Aguistin “How many stairs do we have to walk up till we reach the 5th floor” Aguistin replied “I know right its a pain in the butt you will get used to it”. They got to the 5th floor and looked at the classes Aguistin had already looked at his class on the Parent portal.

Aguistin said “Jason Im sorry but i'm in AFr and i'm pretty sure you are not in my class” Jason replied with a very sad voice “Okay”. So jason looked at for his class after Austin, which is Aguistin's friend came over and said “sup bro lets go find our class” Aguistin had a happy sigh and told jason “I have to go” So jason said “bye and Aguistin replied with “hope I can see you later at lunch or break.
Austin and Aguistin were looking for the class we looked down to the left corridor and walked into a random class and said where can I find AFr. The teacher looked at us and said “thats my class hi im Mrs Felker and I am your mentor for the year” Aguistin and Austin walked in and told Austin “She sounds very nice”.

By Aguistin

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