Thursday, October 9, 2014

Should 8th Graders act as role models to the younger ones?

12:00 pm on a Wednesday afternoon, the elementary school kids walked in the Cafeteria for their lunch while the 8th graders still hung around. Throughout the Cafeteria a certain table with lots of girls seemed to be shouting at the top of their lungs and goofing around. The elementary schoolers stared at them , some with looks of annoyance while more than the half of elementary school looked as if question marks hanging above their heads, seeming to think if what the, 8th graders were doing was right or wrong?

This brings us to our question today that, do 8th graders have to act like role models to the younger ones? Jasmine Zeng of Class 8JRa stated that, ‘Ideally it would be good if that were the case, however I think some 8th graders lack the maturity to be proper role models, as we saw in the cafeteria.’ while another student, Wan Zhen Li of 8GTs said,’ Yes, I believe that 8th graders should be a general role model for the younger children to look up to, as well as the IB and High School students to the 8th graders, but, as those children grow up I think that it is important that they are able to choose their own role model.’

Hearing the answers of two different girls with pretty similar opinions, tells that according to them that 8th graders should be role models, but many lack the maturity for it and could give a wrong example, but looking around, a bunch of boys seemed to be talking about being role models, one the boys sitting there stated,’ I don’t think us 8th graders should be looked upon as role models, as we would be on our puberty stage just turning 13, so in my opinion the younger ones should look up to adults.’ What he said is a true fact, so in conclusion I think every one of them should try their best to set a good example for the younger ones, but at the same time be themselves and have fun of their teenage lives.

By Ishita


  1. When you talked about 8th graders being good role models, while still enjoying their teenage life I really connected with the idea you were tying to prove. For example when I was smaller like in 4th grade, I always thought 8th graders were the best, they where tall, older and somehow I saw them as cool and fun people. Now I think not all of us are perfect role models but we try to give the best of us while still enjoying life. And that is exactly what we have to do because we still have to make mistakes and learn from them to actually give the best of us.
    Best Wishes,
    Jackie Gálvez, 8th gr.
    ASFG, México

  2. I really liked your idea, and I agree. I am a 8th grader and I think this is a very important thing to do as a 8th grader. It's not a hard work to do, it's something really easy and cool to do, because having that feeling that smaller kids look up to you as a role model is something really big. 8th graders should be responsible but also have fun in there teenage life. I always looked up for the older kids as if they were the best, now it's our turn to make them feel the same.
    Best Wishes!
    Mónica Ramírez, 8th gr.
    ASFG, México

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. When you tell us that 8th graders should be role models to younger people I was thinking of how I felt when I was in 5th grade. I used to see 8th graders so mature, so big and intelligent they were actually my role models. But now that I am in 8th grade I feel so much pressured, I agree the idea of 8th grade being the role models for younger people but I also think that 8th graders should have some kind of role models. Now we have to look up for younger kids, give them good advice. 8th grade should be more responsible but at the same time have fun in their last year of middle school.
    Best Wishes!
    Renata Tostado, 8th gr.
    ASFG, México
