Thursday, October 9, 2014

Will the eighth and ninth grade be allowed to keep their phones at night?

One of the rules in the boarding house is for the students to bring their electronics down to the third floor at night. The third floor is where the students’ phones, laptops and IPads’ are kept from sunday to thursday at night. This is so the students won’t use their phone and computer and get distracted by it. The house parents believe that the students should get more sleep and rest their eyes instead of staring at their laptops and phones all day. Lots of complaints were heard from the eighth and ninth grade as they believe that they are responsible enough to keep their electronics. Sometimes, the students would try to hide their phones in the drawers but the house parents would find out. According to the boarding students in grade 8, they felt safer with their phone around and didn’t like putting their phones away for the night.

Will the eighth and ninth grader be responsible enough to not get distracted by their phones at night? “I’m not really sure, because it kind of depends on the person,” said an unconfirmed source. “Yes, because I find that when I don’t have my phone, I can’t tell the time because the clock in my room doesn’t work even after sending an email to the house parents.” complained an eighth grade boarder. According to another witness, last year when the students put their phone down, nobody woke them up. But luckily, some students hid their phone and called everybody to wake up otherwise they would have been late for school. The representatives of grade 8 and 9 boarders for boarding house council are now bringing this issue to the houseparents.

By Angelina

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